Virtual Healthcare Simulation

Fully virtual simulation in healthcare solution to support distance-based OSCE simulation training

Plugin to Virtual OSCE Simulation Training

The Telemedicine Virtual OSCE add-on for SIMULATIONiQ supports your requirements for delivering video-based OSCE encounters anytime, anywhere. Unable to train within your institution’s brick and mortar clinical skills or simulation center? Virtual OSCE for SIMULATIONiQ provides a complete solution to conduct high-impact standardized patient (SP) encounters in a fully virtual environment. Meet your immediate clinical training needs and seamlessly deploy your full repository of OSCE-ready cases.

With seamless integration to EMS’ SIMULATIONiQ™ Portable and SIMULATIONiQ™ Mobile solutions, plus the VideoCAPTURE™ companion app, it’s easy to support on site and in-situ video recording, bookmarking, analysis, evaluation, and debriefing within SIMULATIONiQ. Conduct training in the lab, the field, or at the point of care, automatically upload video recordings to SIMULATIONiQ, and review and evaluate learners.

Hybrid Learning

SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE Enables:

Virtual OSCE Resources

Virtual OSCE Webinar

Training Webinar: OSCE-Style Telemedicine Patient Encounter with Instructor Observation and Debrief

Virtual OSCE Case Study Thumbnail

Case Study: Multi-Campus School of Medicine Conducts 1,243 Fully Virtual Objective Structured Clinical Exams

A Remote, Cloud-Based Virtual Healthcare Simulation Solution

A Remote, Cloud-Based Virtual Healthcare Simulation Solution

SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE is a cloud-based testing and simulation platform that currently supports the creation, management, and delivery of case-based virtual patient simulation training, as well as FERPA-ready, live clinical telemedicine sessions. Supporting both scalable on-demand training and the delivery of actual care, SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE provides the unique ability for physicians and healthcare providers to practice and learn best practices for clinical decision making in remote training environments, as well as the critical need to practice shifting clinical treatment into telemedicine formats.

SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE is a cloud-based testing and simulation platform that currently supports the creation, management, and delivery of case-based virtual patient simulation training, as well as FERPA-ready, live clinical telemedicine sessions. Supporting both scalable on-demand training and the delivery of actual care, SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE provides the unique ability for physicians and healthcare providers to practice and learn best practices for clinical decision making in remote training environments, as well as the critical need to practice shifting clinical treatment into telemedicine formats.

Telemed 2
Key Benefits for Institutions:
  • Live, virtual OSCE encounters
  • Live learner and SP interaction delivered via video-teleconferencing and recorded for debrief
  • Intuitive interface for live or recorded session review
  • Complete checklists and learner performance assessments
  • Robust reporting exported to your preferred format (MS Excel/PDF)
  • Seamless video export for offline and archival use (MP4 format)
  • Pay as you go pricing model

Scale Up Fast With User-Friendly Workflows

Educator View of a Live Virtual Telemedicine Encounter
Virtual Telemedicine Encounter from the SP Perspective

SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE Workflow:

SIMULATIONiQ Virtual OSCE Workflow:

Virtual OSCE Workflow_mobile
Virtual OSCE Workflow_mobile

"EMS' Telemedicine functionality has not only kept my staff working, but it has also expanded the number of educators using the center. It's a life saver"

John Sterling
Multimedia Coordinator
Grand Valley State University

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