Take Physician Assistant Education Programs to the Next Level
Today, your Physician Assistant training program faces a variety of challenges – from increased training requirements to limitations on cohort size and redesigned curricula. Our SIMULATIONiQ™ and Competency.AI™ platforms give you end-to-end program management that covers the scope of your virtual, live, and didactic Physician Assistant education.OSCEs and mannequin simulations so you can face the future with greater confidence.
Today, your Physician Assistant training program faces a variety of challenges – from increased training requirements to limitations on cohort size and redesigned curricula. Our SIMULATIONiQ™ and Competency.AI™ platforms give you end-to-end program management that covers the scope of your virtual, live, and didactic Physician Assistant education.OSCEs and mannequin simulations so you can face the future with greater confidence.
To succeed in real-world clinical practice, physician assistant education must challenge learners across a variety of modern clinical training situations, including interprofessional and telemedicine environments. SIMULATIONiQ fully facilitates end-to-end live, virtual, and didactic training for skills across multiple disciplines, connecting practice and key competencies.
How can you ensure your learners entering residency are ready to perform core entrustable professional activities (EPAs) on day one? Our SIMULATIONiQ and Competency.AI solutions facilitate 360°, end-to-end program management, eliminating data silos for learner and curriculum performance tracking, and driving positive education outcomes and increased patient safety.
Has your curriculum shifted to a competency-based approach focused on outcomes and learner achievement? SIMULATIONiQ and Competency.AI empower you to measure the impact and effectiveness of your curriculum, identify curriculum gaps, and track individual learners, a specific cohort, or the full scope of your program.
Many PA programs are faced with limited cohort size due to strict accreditation requirements. Leverage Competency.AI's powerful artificial intelligence engine to automatically aggregate big data and generate detailed learner and program performance reports that help justify cohort growth.
What Our Clients Are Saying
What Our Clients Are Saying
Simulation in Physician Assistant Education Solutions
Help your Physician Assistant training staff prepare learners for the demands of real-world clinical environments.
Medical Simulation Solutions That Power Results
Prepare your learners for real-world clinical environments with advanced medical simulation training technology
Performance Tracking and Curriculum Assessment
Telemedicine and Virtual OSCE Solutions for Physician Assistant Training
- Schedule simulated telemedicine sessions between learners and SPs
- Facilitate remote telemedicine or OSCE training with integrated video conferencing
- Set up physical and virtual rooms to support hybrid flexible healthcare training
- Grant dedicated dashboard task access for learners
- Customize telemedicine parameters specific to your program and facility requirements
- Easily create and organize telemedicine training cases and workflows
- Add and assign SPs for training on specific cases
- Debrief and review clinical decision making with telemedicine learners