2023 EMS Summit
Honoring the Past, Navigating the Future
La Crosse, WI
July 12-13, 2023
Hosted By:
- Viterbo University
- Gundersen Health System
- Western Technical College
Shared with permission of Coulee Region Women

Join Us on a Sunset Cruise!
There is still time to join us aboard the La Crosse Queen VII Riverboat for a sunset cruise along the Mississippi River! The boat will depart at 7:15 pm (CT) on July 11th. Register now for the Summit! If you have any questions, please email laurie.kerns@simulationiq.com.
This is an Exclusive Event for Customers of EMS Simulation Solutions and Users of the SIMULATIONiQâ„¢ and Training in Motion Products.
Participate in customer-focused sessions describing solutions for interprofessional education, simulation event and program evaluation, learner and faculty assessments, designing training videos, SIMULATIONiQ tips, and more! Join your colleagues, content experts and guest speakers as you participate in workshops, sessions and hands-on learning.
* The registration fee is waived for EMS customers. Your only expense will be your travel and accommodations. *