Webinar Event Registration
A Case-Based Approach to Incorporating Clinical Reasoning
in Your Curriculum: NEJM Healer
Presented by:

Friday, February 3, 2023
12:00 PM ESTÂ
Session Overview
Join us for a free webinar and learn how to use realistic patient cases to teach, practice, and assess a wide range of clinical reasoning skills.
In this webinar, we will:
Review the value of a case-based approach to clinical reasoning education and the need for assessment during deliberate practice to develop these skills.
Show how NEJM Healer cases are constructed to model the patient encounter and foster the key skills involved in clinical reasoning, including:
Acquiring data
Creating a problem representation
Building a differential
Activating illness scripts
Narrowing in on a most likely diagnosis
Developing a diagnostic and management plan
Demonstrate how NEJM Healer offers a turnkey solution in the UME and GME curricula by:
Providing rich supporting materials (clinical reasoning overviews, diagnostic schemas, and illness scripts)
Addressing core skills, competencies, and EPAs with a wide variety of cases at varying levels of difficulty
Enabling a flexible approach that can be deployed to meet the needs of different individual programs (e.g., in class or asynchronously, for deliberate practice or for assessment, etc.)
Fitting into key inflection points to both assess and strengthen clinical reasoning skills (in transition to clerkship, transitioning between clinical rotation, and in transition to residency, etc.)
Exploring the extensive feedback and assessment data generated by each student case encounter.


Raja-Elie E. Abdulnour, MD
Lead Editor, Educational Innovation, NEJM Group; Director, Innovation and Clinical Reasoning, NEJM Group Education

Scott Stern, MD
Professor of Medicine Clinical Director of Clinical Pathophysiology and Therapeutics University of Chicago School of Medicine Author of From Symptom to Diagnosis