EMS Innovation Brief

San Joaquin General Hospital to Enhance Residents’ Clinical Reasoning Skills Training with Best-in-Class Virtual Solution

San Joaquin General Hospital, a general acute care facility providing a full range of inpatient services, and an active provider of education for health professionals through post-graduate residency programs in General Surgery, Internal Medicine, and Family Practice, recently selected the NEJM Healer virtual solution to assist in teaching clinical reasoning skills. Faculty and trainers will now be able to augment their residents’ knowledge of clinical reasoning with the most current and reliable clinical information in a strategically curated library of patient cases to deliver an effective and engaging learning experience.

NEJM Healer brings clinical knowledge and clinical reasoning together, teaching and assessing at every stage of the patient encounter – from triage to history taking, physical examination, and obtaining lab results and imaging. Students and residents become more thorough and efficient as they work through the virtual patient cases developed by a team of expert physician educators from NEJM Group. Along the way, they can also access expert illness scripts and diagnostic schema to support their learning.

Click here to learn more about NEJM Healer.

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