5 Ways to Bring Your Counselor Education into the 21st Century

The demand for licensed counselors and mental health professionals is at an all-time high. But there’s a lot of competition between counselor education programs to recruit and retain the best and brightest students. Are you ready to take your clinical supervision into the 21st Century? Create demand for your program with the technology that today’s students use in their daily lives.

Read on for five ways technology can help you modernize your counselor training and supervision.

1. Manage your program

When equipping a new counseling education management solution for your organization, what are the things you look for? Likely a solution that will streamline your organization’s operations, help you gain and maintain accreditation, assist your professional counseling learners in developing their course portfolios, and reassure prospective learners that your organization utilizes the latest technology for the finest possible educational experience.

2. Go mobile

Create demand for your counseling program with the technology that today’s students use in their daily lives. Encourage your students to conduct field interviews with flexible, web-based technology that makes it easy to record, playback, bookmark, and annotate videos on any mobile device.

3. Master your reporting

Imagine if you could seamlessly report on your counselor training environment’s people, processes, and data. Both masters-level and doctoral students may see clients in the field, and a student can be tracked from day one onward, inside and out of the classroom. Faculty can view recordings and report on whether students are meeting their competencies, and generate a variety of statistical reports based on classes and cohorts, or between student years.

4. Adhere to CACREP standards

Accreditation in counselor education means that the program has been evaluated and acknowledged nationally as having met or exceeded the standards of the counseling profession. The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) has rigorous standards that must be met in order for a program to be accredited. According to CACREP, graduates from accredited programs get better scores than their competitors on the National Counselor Examination (NCE), often used for licensure and certification.

5. Comply with HIPAA regulations

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information—including counseling and behavioral health records. HIPAA violations can be costly both monetarily and to your institution’s reputation. Do your practicum and internship students use mobile devices to record sessions with actual clients? Mitigate your risk with HIPAA-compliant encryption that helps you: maintain ethical obligations; develop a patient privacy quality assurance process; and supervise student counseling sessions with a HIPAA- and PHI-ready recording and evaluation system.

Whether your students are conducting patient interviews in your lab or in the field, technology is key to program success. Consider deploying a counselor education management system that streamlines every aspect of your clinical training, supervision, clinic, research, and pedagogy.


Schedule a free consultation to learn how you can create demand for your counseling program with the technology that today’s students use in their daily lives.
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