Join Us for the 12th Annual
Excellence in
Clinical Simulation Awards
April 22, 2021
3:00 PM EDT / 12:00 PM PDT
Thanks to all who voted for the 2021
Excellence in Clinical Simulation Awards!
The winners have been decided and the envelopes are sealed! We hope you can join us for the awards ceremony where we will not only celebrate the winners but also the entire simulation community.
Unfortunately, since the award ceremony will be held virtually this year, we can’t catch up over dinner like we normally do. But we’d still like to show our appreciation by offering each attendee a gift card. Also, during the ceremony there will be a short trivia contest with even more prizes and a chance to show off your “Simulation IQ.”
Join Us for the 13th Annual Excellence
Clinical Simulation Awards
April 14, 2022 2:00 PM ET
We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Excellence in Clinical Simulation Awards!
Congratulations to all our winners and nominees.
Each one of you made a positive impact in advocating, championing, and pioneering clinical simulation at your institution—and beyond.
Click the button below to view the complete list of participants.
Nominees are selected by EMS’ Customer Success Managers and winners are selected by their simulation industry peers. Stay tuned for information on the next Excellence in Clinical Simulation Awards cycle with winners to be announced at IMSH 2023!
The Champion Award honors an individual who has been actively championing state of the art clinical simulation technology for their center.
The Advocate Award honors an individual who has been actively engaged in advocating learning through clinical simulation at their center.
The Pioneer Award honors an individual who has been actively engaged in pioneering new ways of clinical simulation training at their center.
John Sterling
Multimedia Coordinator
Grand Valley State University
John was able to innovate the GVSU Simulation Center’s curricula by using SIMULATIONiQ telemedicine to have high fidelity manikin simulations. This format allowed him and his team to continue to provide students with a dynamic learning environment which encouraged critical thinking skills while learning to administer care live. They were able to continue to “nurse out
loud” to an acting nurse in a hospital room with a live voiced manikin patient with live vitals monitor and auscultation sounds. Through the SIMULATIONiQ software, they were also able to have student and faculty observers join the live encounter, and then provide feedback at its conclusion


Renee Woodham, LPN
Director of the Clinical Competency Center
Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Renee Woodham, LPN, is Director of the Clinical Competency Center at the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine. Through her leadership, ACOM has fully integrated SIMIQ into the primary clinical skills course, creating a robust learning experience for students in taking SOAP notes, and gathering faculty assessments and standardized patient feedback.
Champion Award Presentation - Renee Woodham, LPN
Margaret Calacci
Director, Grace Center for Innovation in Nursing Education
Arizona State University
Ms. Calacci is honored to lead a dynamic interprofessional team at the Grace Center in the Edson College of Arizona State University. She and her team believe in the power of healthcare simulation for positive client outcomes. She overseas fiscal, operational and educational eorts of facilitating over 150,000 student hours annually on two campuses to meet the center’s vision of “knowledge and action join as one.”

Advocate Award Presentation - Margaret Calacci

Cait Farrar
Clinical Simulation Specialist
Central VA Center for Simulation and Virtual Learning
Caitlin supports simulation with an engaged spirit to create the best possible learning environment. Through her diligence and attention to detail, she helps SBE come to life for learners, creating innovative moulage with sights, sounds and smells. She creates environments that immerse the learner into the simulation activity using all five senses to engage learners and develop their clinical reasoning skills.